in Christ

"It is based on things that we all know but perhaps don't always practice.
It will transform your life if you let it."

- Course participant

What is 'Freedom in Christ'?

Discipleship course

For those of you who have no idea what Freedom in Christ is, it's a course which encourages us to go deeper WITH God and our understanding of who He is, who we are and as a result find greater and deeper freedom with Him.

The course enables us to recognise how the enemy works and how to push back the darkness, realising the strongholds that exist in our lives which prevent us from worshipping God freely and living in the freedom we have received through Christ, and also helping us identify the thought patterns which hold us back...
The majority of people who have done the course have found it absolutely life-changing and transformational for their walk with Jesus, and if you put in the work, even if you only do it once in your life, the mindset change will be immense!

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What do people say about the course?

"Some of you may believe you are already free in Christ so what can this course teach you.  Well maybe you are perfect, have no unforgiveness or baggage contradicting what God says about you, and you are living the abundant life that Jesus died to give us. Hallelujah if so.  Most of us, although saints too, will have "stuff" that we know weighs us down, holds us back, like labels others have given us.  This course shows us how to be free of all of those things."

"Maybe if you think you don't need freedom, you could do the course so you can help others that do."  

"We may think we know our issue areas but it can be surprising what Jesus shows us when we ask Him what is hindering us.  The best bit is the course teaches how we can be free - John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

"I realised I was still living under other peoples judgement. John 8:32: 'Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free'."
"I found it a good factory re-set around my thoughts and beliefs as they had become diluted and polluted.  I am still a work in progress but I have ditched a load of rubbish. Gal 5:1 NLT So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law."

"You are never to old to learn and this course creates the opportunity for you to allow Jesus to lead you into the truth as He sees it, and to get rid of untruths you may have believed all your life."

"It is based on things that we all know but perhaps don't always practice. It will transform your life if you let it.  It will just be another book on your bookshelf if you don't."

"We are all responsible for our own spiritual growth and this course personalises simple truths that we can put into practice to lead us into complete Freedom in Christ.  What have you got to lose? Actually, you will soon realise, if you do the course, that you have loads to lose as you get the opportunity to say goodbye to ingrained beliefs, lies, fears, unforgiveness."

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