Our Team

Meet the team

Our family is made up of people of all ages from over 40 nations!

Together we are one team, and we love it when others join us. We believe that every follower of Jesus is a priest (1 Peter 2:5), a minister and uniquely gifted by God (1 Peter 4:10) so our ministry team involves everyone!

We also have a core team of leaders made up of our three pastors and our staff team, our elders, deacons, and trustees. In addition to this we are blessed to have many others in our church family who take a lead in different areas of ministry and in wider society.

All our leaders see it as their role to equip and release the whole church in mission and ministry. Find out a bit more about the team below - which will help you put names to faces. We'd love to meet you in person!


Mark Hirst

Lead Pastor
Mark has a passion for God’s word and to see God do the things only he can do in people’s lives and in the world. His heart is for the church in Ashford to raise up leaders, plant churches and send out missionaries, recognising that this involves equipping and releasing everyone in the call Jesus has on their lives. Mark is married to Izzy who serves alongside him in the church, and they have four children, Joshua, Rebekah, Tabitha and Abigail.

Email mark@willesboroughbaptist.church

Katie Moyles

Katie has been serving here since September 2021 and was previously based in Bristol. She is part of the young Young Adults Round Table and the SEBA Leadership Team. Katie has a real passion to see people find wholeness and identity in Christ and to release them in their giftings through teaching and equipping. Part of Katie's role here at WBC is to oversee and grow the youth ministry. She is also one of the teachers at our LEAD: Theology school, overseeing the LEAD internship year. Katie is married to Thomas.

Email katie@willesboroughbaptist.church

Paula Chegwin

Minister in Training
Paula has been part of the WBC family since 2004. A passionate leader, who encourages us to go deeper in our relationships with God through uncomplicated, honest conversations with Him. In 2022 she began her ministerial training and theology degree at Spurgeons College, London, and will be working at WBC part-time until this is completed in 2025. Paula is married to Stewart and they have a son, Matthew.

Email paula@willesboroughbaptist.church


Harriet Ashford

Executive Administrator
Harriet joined the team in 2022 as the Executive Administrator - the core of all operations within the church. Harriet previously worked as a practice nurse.She is passionate about people, loves baking, spending time with family and friends and is a true champion of all those she loves.Harriet is married to Charles and they have two sons, Edward and Henry.

Email office@willesboroughbaptist.church

Elena Theodosiou

The Well Manager
Elena was a regular visitor to The Well since it opened in July 2020.  Now, as the manager, she is delighted to welcome both volunteers and guests through the doors of this warm and inviting Community Cafe. As well as her 24 years experience in a retail/customer facing environment, she has a real passion and heart for loving people, praising The Lord and serving the community. She has lived in Willesborough for over 7 years and is Mama to two girls.

Email thewell@willesboroughbaptist.church

Toyin Aina

Preschool Manager
She joined Willesborough Baptist Preschool at the end of September 2023. She strongly believes that her role in the Early Years sector is not just a job but a calling - a calling to work alongside parents, her team, and other professionals to positively shape and enhance the early years’ experience of every child that she is privileged to care for.  Toyin is married to Kehinde, and they are blessed with two amazing children.

Email preschool@willesboroughbaptist.church

Anne Casse

PA to the Lead Pastor & Finance Administrator
Anne joined the team at the beginning of 2024. She brings a wealth of experience having worked in the commercial sector, a local school and also more recently for MAF International. She enjoys working in a team and bringing people together using her organisational skills. Anne has been a member of Willesborough Baptist Church for over 12 years and worships regularly in the church with her husband, Barry. They have one daughter who is following her calling as a paediatric nurse.

Email anne@willesboroughbaptist.church

Alie Tozer

Media & Communications Manager
Alie joined the WBC team in 2022 as Media & Communications Manager. Having worked in-house as a Graphic Designer for MAF UK for several years and having freelanced for MAFI, she has a lot of experience behind her. As well as being creative when it comes to media, she is also a musician and fronts an indie/rock band. She lives in Folkestone with her husband Jez and their Corgi and is currently away on Maternity Leave.

Email media@willesboroughbaptist.church

Deacons | Elders | Trustees

Kelly Boylan, Victoria Butler, Anne Casse, Barry Casse, Preston Chalk, Ian Johnson, Thomas Moyles, Sonya Perks, Matthew Woodhill

 Paula Chegwin, Kelly Boylan, Mark Hirst, Katie Moyles, Bret Mtengwa,
Jerry Newson, Ben Oliver, Ben Smith, Paula Verlinden

Monima Harrison, Mark Hirst, Katie Moyles, Tim Perks,  
Ben Smith, Richard Stanford-Beale, Matthew Woodhill


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Come and visit!

Sunday Mornings: 10:30am
The Well Community Cafe: Tue, Thu & Sat | 9am-12noon