The Discipline of Celebration
Dear church family
In Richard Foster's book, 'The Celebration of Discipline,' one of the disciplines for growing spiritually is the discipline of celebration. It grows us spiritually to celebrate the good that God is doing in our lives, our families and our wider church family. Often, we are so caught up in the pace and busyness of life that we forget to stop and celebrate what God has done and is doing.
Throughout the Old Testament there are reminders of the victories of God such as rescuing the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt.
"Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm." – Deuteronomy 5:15
It is good to remind ourselves of God's victories in our lives, so we do not forget to celebrate what God has done. When we remember what God has done, we can celebrate when we are in a battle as we know who is going to win. Celebration builds our faith and is also a lot of fun.
We celebrate by singing and dancing
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