Call to me and I will answer you
Dear church family
How has God been speaking to you recently and what has he been saying?
Over the summer we are doing a series of videos called God thoughts and different people from our church family are sharing how God has been speaking to them. God speaks to us in such different and beautiful ways. He challenges us and helps us grow if we are willing to listen and obey. However, in a loud world, taking time to listen to God's still quiet voice can be a challenge.
Jeremiah 33:3 says, 'Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.' Jeremiah is prophesying to the people of Judah as they went from being their own nation to being exiled by the Babylonians. Life would have been confusing and chaotic and God invites the people to continue to seek after Him and He will speak to them and reveal to them things that they had not known before. In the same way, in our busy, loud lives we are invited to call on God, seek after Him and receive fresh revelations.
God wants to speak to us; He loves it when we listen. He may speak to us in unexpected ways through unexpected people but what He says is always life-giving, always loving and always good. God speaks to us in many ways: through His word ("For the word of God is living and active" Hebrews 4:12), through other people, through the Spirit of God at work in us, through dreams and so on.
If you read my initial question and weren't sure if God has been speaking to you and what he's been saying, take some time this week to ask God to speak to you, listen and ask yourself the question again.
Lots of love
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