Dreaming with Jesus...
Dear church family
Proverbs 16:3 says "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and he will establish your plans!"
When Jesus invites us into relationship with Him, He also invites us into the plans He has for us, for our church community and for the world around us - He invites us to bring His kingdom (which is within us), wherever we are...!
On Sunday evening, we gathered to prayer walk around Finberry - around the site which is already earmarked for a community hub/development and which we hope to be invited to run once the building is built... The site itself is opposite the school, on the cusp of the Bridgefield development and Finberry itself - its a beautiful area with woodland, fields, nature and views for days.... Finberry itself, as church commission land, was walked over by pilgrims over centuries on their way to Canterbury. We are sure that this gives it a serenity which can only come from the Father - it is a community which the spirit hovers over with such peace...
My two youngest girls joined us to prayer walk - all ages can get involved in what we are praying for and dreaming of - we called it "Dreaming with Jesus". Jesus invites us to dream with Him and to ask Him for things as we walk... When we got home afterwards, they spent nearly an hour writing a mind map of what their "dreaming with Jesus" for our site on Finberry could look like - it included indoor and outdoor prayer spaces, accommodation pods for people who have no home, washing facilities, forest school/preschool areas, a cafe, an encouragement book to sit in the cafe - and many more (see picture) ... Tabitha prayed as we were walking around that people would come to know Jesus as their friend and want to go and plant more churches and have an impact all over the world.
What has Jesus invited you to dream with Him recently? We encourage you to go over to Finberry and ask Him there, but also what is He inviting you into personally? In this time of pausing or Selah in August, seek God and His kingdom - and let us know what He's saying to you as we would love to hear it!
Every blessing and much love, as always,
Izzy xxxxx
SUNDAY GATHERING - 10:30AM Join us this Sunday for as we continue our sermon series 'Life-changing Encounters'. For those who are unable to attend in person please join us on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3QSv160ViKo
CHILDREN & FAMILIES WORKER WE ARE HIRING! We're looking for someone with the gift-mix, heart and passion for the children and families at the heart of our community - to love, serve and encourage them
We are a growing intergenerational and intercultural church family, passionate about making disciples. We seek to live out Psalm 145:4 and raise up generations that love Jesus with all their hearts and bring hope to the world around them.
Could this be you or someone you know?! For more information and to apply, please visit the Jobs section of our website: www.willesboroughbaptist.church/jobs
SUMMER OASIS On Wednesday morning, we joined together with Brabourne for "Summer at Oasis" - we were blessed with beautiful weather and an abundance from Fareshare as they had lots of fresh fruit which they were desperate to give away and then we also had so many other things which we were able to buy in crates to enable the community to be fed... We have beautiful stories to share already - the Brabourne team are planning to write them all down as remembering stones!
The response once we put the pictures out on facebook was incredible - we had over 100 people to come for coffee, snacks, toys, crafts and to go shopping at our market stall! It was so humbling to be able to love people in this way and it was only the very first session - people were saying they would definitely be back next week and the other Wednesdays that we are doing for August.
If you want to come along and be involved, the Oasis team would love to have you...please get in touch with Izzy!
ON PAUSE IN AUGUST Please note the following events are on pause throughout August:
- Power Hour
- Youth
- Tots
- The 'Real' Meal
- Early Morning Prayers
- Facebook Live Prayers
YOUTH SUMMER MEET UPS Keep an eye on your emails for updates re these events - or to find out more email katie@willesboroughbaptist.church
Summer at Oasis Every Wednesday in August | 10am-12noon | BBC
Partnership Prayer 5th September | 10-11:30am | BBC
Prayer&Fasting Day 12th September | Ruah space throughout day (WBC) | Gathering 8pm
Church Family Meeting 15th September | After Sunday Service (bring snacks)
Deaf Awareness Training 19th Sept | 7pm for 7:30pm start | WBC
Sparks & Firestarters | Sunday mornings | In The Hall & The Well | 0-3 & 4-10 year olds
Blaze | Sunday mornings upstairs in The Well | years 6-8
Ignite | Friday | 7-9pm | Main worship space | years 7-13
Furnace | Mondays | 7-9pm | Katie's manse | years 9-13
The Well | Open Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays | 9-12
Crafty Cuppa | Thursdays every other week | In The Well | 2-4pm
Brabourne Craft Group | Fourth Thursday of the month | 10am-1pm | Brabourne Baptist Church
Renew Wellbeing | Tuesdays in The Well | 2-4pm
Prayer | Before our Sunday service | front of church | 9:45am
CAP Ashford Life Skills | Weekly course every Friday | 1:30-3:30pm | WBC | Sign up here
Alpha Course | 11 week course every Tuesday | 6:30-9pm | Sevington | Sign up here
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