It is for freedom that Christ set us free

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Dear church family,

I first did the Freedom in Christ course when I was 16 years old. The large church I was part of at the time had asked that everyone from the age of 14 upwards would take part, having run it with the entirety of their leadership team and seen incredible transformation of hearts and minds through the breaking of chains in their lives. So, although we had no idea what it was, our youth group began it - and I can honestly say that of every potential resource I have come across to use within church, this course has been some of the foundational material that has totally transformed my way of viewing God, my relationship with him and how to fight the devil. I still have my original "Truth vs Lies" list which is now 21 years old, dog-eared around the edges from being put up on my wall, carried in my bible, lent out to others etc - it is just so powerful. (You will receive really nice postcards of this which didn't exist when I was 16!) I have now taken part in or led courses six times, and I gain something new from it each time!

The beginning of the course focuses on our Acceptance, Significance and Security in Christ. Although through my life there have been times where I have doubted, wandered away and believed the world's version of these things, the Freedom in Christ course (as it is so biblically based), grounded me to such an extent that I always bounced back to what I knew to be true. Steve Goss writes about God's spiritual connection with us as humans meaning that

"you [WE] were created for that kind of life: complete acceptance by God and other people; significance - a real purpose; and absolute security: no need to worry about a single thing".

When any church runs this course, there are often attacks on relationships, misunderstandings, miscommunications, etc. This is because the enemy does not want you to be free in any way, shape or form - because when you are, you are stronger in the authority and power that Jesus has given you!!! So, often, his schemes include people never beginning it (through fear), dropping out part way through, random things happening in your life (like illness!) which make you doubt, people getting stuck on specific truths and deciding that they can never believe them, or things coming up which stop people meeting. I am telling you this in advance - so that when these things happen, you are able to identify them for what they are and speak Jesus over your situations!

With this in mind, we have additionally tried to make this course as accessible as possible for as many people as possible - we will have it running through existing discipleship groups, we are creating new discipleship groups with new leaders, we are running a course during the day on a Wednesday afternoon at The Well (1-3pm), we are running it purely on Zoom on a Monday evening for anyone who wants to join from home who finds it difficult to get out - to give as many potential contact points as possible so that you are able to join us and pursue this freedom...

We have already had a significant amount of people sign up to do the course this time around but there is still space for loads more people to sign up! So - it's not too late to get signed up - click the link:

We will be running for 10 weeks beginning Monday 16th September... Let's pursue this freedom as a family, and head into 2025 free, stronger, ready to fight this battle we are in and to seek God for all the adventures He has ahead for us as a church family - the potential is absolutely immense...

If you do have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch and we will try our very best to answer or reassure you...

Every blessing and much love, as always,

Izzy xxxxx

SUNDAY GATHERING - 10:30AM Join us this Sunday as we begin our new sermon series 'The Book of Daniel - Resilient Faith'. For those who are unable to attend in person please join us on YouTube:

The Book of Daniel - Resilient Faith - Youtube and Socials-11 MARK.png

Sign up here:
The course enables us to recognise how the enemy works and how to push back the darkness, realising the strongholds that exist in our lives which prevent us from worshipping God freely and living in the freedom we have received through Christ, and also helping us identify the thought patterns which hold us back...

The majority of people who have done the course have found it absolutely life-changing and transformational for their walk with Jesus, and if you put in the work, even if you only do it once in your life, the mindset change will be immense!

This course will be running weekly from September in groups, both online and offline. If you want to participate (whether you are already in a group or not) please register so we can order your participants book. We look forward to journeying with you!

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CHURCH FAMILY MEETING On the 15th September, we will be gathering as church family to make some key decisions around the long-term life of our Partnership with Brabourne but equally importantly, to make a decision on whether to call Paula Chegwin as our third, full-time pastor at the completion of her training, beginning in July 2025.

Please also be praying for the Brabourne Baptist Church meeting happening on 8th Sept as they listen to God and discern what the future holds for our partnership.

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VOLUNTEERS DESPERATELY NEEDED We desperately need volunteers to help with our Tots team on a Monday or it will no longer be able to run
Preferably someone who is:
- Available on Mondays (or every other Monday)
- Is trained in The Well

We also need help with the Kids work team (we have a couple of children who need consistent 1:1 support).

If you are able to help in this area of the church please speak to Izzy


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CAP - ASHFORD LIFE SKILLS COURSE STARTING OCT Our church partners with Christians Against Poverty (CAP UK) to support local people here in Ashford who are facing financial challenges. This course is open to all and starts Friday 4th October! To sign up or for more info please visit our website:

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NEW JOB OPPORTUNITY MAF International has a new position for a Quality, Safety & Security Administrator based at our Ashford office. This would suit an experienced administrator. Closing date 18th September
Apply here:

PRAYER & FASTING DAY | RUAH A space to listen to God's leading. The main worship space will be open on Thursday 12th Sept from 8am-7pm ahead of an evening gathering at 8pm

DEAF AWARENESS TRAINING Join us for the next session on Thursday 19th September. We would like as many of our church family to attend as possible, especially if you volunteer in any area of WBC life, including the Well Cafe and Welcome teams.

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Ladies Breakfast 7th September | 8:30 for 9am | The Woolpack in Smeeth
Prayer & Fasting Day 12th September | Ruah space throughout day | Gathering 8pm | WBC
WBC Church Family Meeting 15th September | After Sunday Service | Bring food | WBC
Deaf Awareness Training 19th Sept | 7pm for 7:30pm start | WBC
CAP Ashford Life Skills Weekly course starts 4th Oct | 1:30-3:30pm | WBC
The 'Real' Meal 7th October | 7-10pm | The Woolpack in Smeeth

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Sparks / Flames / Firestarters | Sunday mornings | Side Hall & The Well | Age 0-3, 3-6, 7-10
Blaze | Sunday mornings upstairs in The Well | Years 6-8
Ignite | Friday | 7-9pm | Main worship space | Years 7-13
Furnace | Mondays | 7-9pm | Katie's manse | Years 9-13
The Well | Open Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays | 9-12
Crafty Cuppa | Thursdays every other week | In The Well | 2-4pm
Brabourne Craft Group | Fourth Thursday of the month | 10am-1pm | Brabourne Baptist Church  
Renew Wellbeing | Tuesdays in The Well | 2-4pm
Prayer | Before our Sunday service | front of church | 9:45am
Early Morning Prayers | Thursday mornings | 6:30am | Join here:
CAP Ashford Life Skills | Weekly course every Friday | 1:30-3:30pm | WBC | Sign up here

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